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Batholomew Gavannah and ABESU
Date Posted: 28 July 2015The first Vale for Africa scholarship student, Batholomew Gavannah, has been in touch with Vale 4 Africa via Facebook, and here is his message to everyone:
"I'm almost finalizing my degree in chemical engineering. University of Florida is great, good and I'm loving it atmosphere and l miss VALE 4 AFRICA. I look forward to seeing you all some day. Miss you and love you. May God bless you all and give you health."
Batholomew arrived at Atlantic College in 2011, in the middle of a terrible winter. He'd never left Uganda before and the difference in weather was a real challenge. Over the two years that he spent in Wales not only did he excell academically, but he also learnt to swim and kayak (he'd never even been in water before) plus, achieved a lot in other fields such as leadership. We are of course really proud of Batholomew and all of his achievements!
In addition, Sue, our Vale for Africa secretary visited the summer fete and garden party last Saturday (25th July) hosted by ABESU - a charity based in Penarth. They support a women's housing co-operative in Zambia. Sue went on behalf of Vale for Africa and says that it was great to see so many people there, eat Zambian food, listen to African music and buy crafts made by the women in the co-op. Visit to learn more about the charity and their co-operative for Zambian women.