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Vale for Africa student to help tackle teenage pregnancy in Uganda

Date Posted: 01 June 2017

Vale for Africa Scholarship student Jackline Abbo has won a Go Make a Difference grant to help tackle teenage pregnancy in the Tororo district of Uganda.

Jackline, who is from Tororo and has spent the last two years studying at Atlantic College, St Donats, thanks to the Vale for Africa scholarship, has won US$1,000 to help put her ideas into action.

Her project Helping Tororo Teens aims to provide sex education, re-usable sanitary pads, awareness raising t-shirts and breakfast and lunches for approximately 20 girls at rural schools. Jackline, told Vale for Africa that high poverty rates meant poorer families often could not afford sanitary pads, so, rather than risk the embarrassment of soiled dresses, girls often chose to stay home.

She said: ‘This leads to a decline in school performance and eventually, they drop out of school – increasing the likelihood of them getting pregnant or married at an early age. From my own experience, a significant number of girls drop out of school.’

Vale for Africa committee member Sue Bowyer, pictured with Jackline, said she was proud of Jackline. ‘She has been a real joy to support. We are delighted she wants to make a difference in her own community with this project