Latest News

Fundraiser at the Vegetarian Food Studio
Date Posted: 27 July 201560 people attended the fundraiser event for Vale for Africa held on 15th July at the Vegetarian Food Studio, Cardiff.
Jacqueline Abbo - The new Atlantic House student
Date Posted: 07 July 2015The new Atlantic House student due to arrive in the middle of August.
Vale for Africa - Summer Fundraiser
Date Posted: 19 June 2015Come and joins us for our summer fundraiser at the Vegetarian Food Studio, Cardiff.
Isaac's Goodbye
Date Posted: 17 June 2015An event was held at Atlantic College at the end of May to say goodbye to the Vale for Africa scholarship student, Isaac Onyango.
Cardiff and Vale College 'Row to Africa' for Vale For Africa
Date Posted: 01 April 2015Students at the Barry Campus of Cardiff and Vale College have raised funds for Vale For Africa by 'Rowing to Africa'
Library and School Updates
Date Posted: 21 March 2015An update of the schools and libraries that ValeForAfrica is supporting.
Handover of Library Chairs
Date Posted: 17 February 201540 extra chairs have been added to the library in the Tororo district.

Water Pipe at Pomede School
Date Posted: 17 February 2015Handover of a water pipe to Pomede School.
Isaac receives his first University offer
Date Posted: 16 February 2015Isaac, the student at Atlantic House has recived the first of his University offers.

BAPIO Conference and Charity Dinner
Date Posted: 16 February 2015Vale For Africa have not only raised money, but gained new members at this BAPIO's Conference and Charity Dinner.